Public Health FAQs

Public Health FAQs

How to change from the Prior Fall 2024 to the New Fall 2024 and later requirements for continuing students
  • Students who have been enrolled at UMBC in the PBHL major prior to Fall 2024 can request to be moved to the new Fall 2024 and later requirements. Students should review the new requirements well to be sure they want to make the change and speak with their advisor if they have any questions prior to requesting the change. Once students change to the new requirements, they cannot change back.
  • To officially change to the Fall 2024 and later requirements, students should put in a help ticket to the Registrar’s Office requesting the change. Students should submit the ticket through the Degree Audit help.
Public Health GPA Requirement
  • Is the 2.5 GPA a requirement for the major GPA or UMBC cumulative GPA? — It is a cumulative GPA requirement.
  • What happens if I fall below the required GPA?If this is your first semester below 2.5, you need to raise your cumulative GPA above 2.5 next semester in order to remain in Public Health. If this is your second consecutive semester below 2.5 cumulative GPA, you are no longer permitted to remain a Public Health major and must speak with someone regarding other major options. Please make an appointment with the Office of Academic & Pre-Professional Advising or the Career Center.
How to Change My Track or Add a Second Track (if following the requirements prior to Fall 2024)
  • I am a Public Health major in the prior to Fall 2024 requirements and want to declare a track or multiple tracks, or I do not see my track listed on my transcript, how do I list my track(s)? — Fill out the Declaration of Major form and submit this to the Registrar’s office. Note You should write “current Public Health BA” in the major field and your track in the track field if you are a current Public Health major. You do not need an advisor’s signature. New students and change of majors must have an advisor signature in order to declare a Public Health BA and track.
  • I am a Public Health minor and I want to add a track, how do I do that? — Public Health minors do not have the option of declaring tracks at this time.
How to Change Current Major to Public Health
  • How do I change my major to Public Health? — Students need a cumulative 2.5 GPA to change to Public Health If you meet this requirement, you should make an appointment with our Coordinator of Advising, Debbie Sanford. 
How to Declare Public Health Minor
  • How do I declare the Public Health minor? — Students should submit the Declaration of Major form to the Registrar’s office. Students do not need an advisor signature to declare a minor.
  • I am a PBHL minor and would like to change to a Public Health minor, how do I do that? — Follow the procedure above, removing PBHL and declaring Public Health as the Minor.
Public Health Dual Programs
  • If I’m in the Public Health program can I enter into the BA/MA with sociology? — Yes, refer to the BA/MA requirements and make an appointment to discuss with your advisor.
  • If I’m in the Public Health program can I use courses to enter into the BA/MPP? Yes, refer to the BA/MPP requirements and make an appointment to discuss with your advisor.
  • Is there a program for the Public Health/SOWK major? — Yes, see the course listing for PBHL/SOWK double major. The Public Health/SOWK double major is still being finalized.
  • Are there any other dual degree programs that Public Health students can apply for? — Yes, there are other programs at UMBC that may be of interest to Public Health students. Contact your advisor for more information on Health IT, Emergency Health Services, and other graduate and accelerated programs at UMBC. There are also undergraduate certificates and minors, such as the Social Dimensions of Health certificate and the Health IT certificate that can complement your Public Health BA.
The Internship
  • Why is the required internship a 6 credit course? — The internship course integrates components of the previous internship (5 credits) and the internship seminar (1 credit), for a total of 6 credits.
  • How do I register for an internship and what are the internship deadlines and important dates? — Please refer to our “Internships” tab
  • How can I find out more information about the internship orientation sessions? — Eligible students are sent emails and flyers are distributed posted on groups and within the department.  
The Public Health Curriculum
  • Your Degree Audit will display the PBHL requirements based on your start date at UMBC or the date that you changed your major to PBHL.
  • I am in the Public Health program and I need to take PBHL 300. It has a requirement of 2.5 GPA.  What do I do if my GPA is less than 2.5? — You must raise your GPA over a 2.5. You can make an appointment with your advisor if you would like to discuss strategies to try to improve your GPA.
  • My past/current courses are listed as HAPP instead of Public Health (PBHL), what should I do? — As a Public Health major you will take the course numbers as listed on your curriculum plan, whether they are HAPP or PBHL. You do not need to do anything, either set of call letters will fulfill the requirements.
  • I am not sure what track to take? What do I do? — Make an appointment to discuss with your advisor.
Career and Resume Help
  • Where can I find out more information about scholarships and awards? — The National Institutes of Health (NIH) offers an Undergraduate Scholarship Program. You may also refer to our “Awards” tab for more information on department awards.
  • Can Public Health students participate in research at UMBC? — Yes, individual faculty members in SAPH may have opportunities for students to work on existing research as undergraduate research assistants. Students can also conduct their own research as part of a URA, URCAD presentation, independent study, or Fulbright Award. The UMBC Undergraduate Research and Prestigious Scholarships site has additional information on research on and off campus.
Student Organizations
  • Are there any student organizations that I can join as a Public Health major? — Yes, see information on the main Public Health page about our council of majors (Public Health COM) and the American Mock World Health Organizations (AMWHO). There are other organizations around campus that are engaged in health related activities. Check out the UMBC Campus Life website for more information on student organizations.