Congratulations Professor Katie Birger!
For being named a 2024-25 Learning Analytics Fellow!
Katie Birger (Public Health): "Leveraging Curricular Analytics to Enhance Student Success in Public Health Courses." Building upon research presented at the Eighth Annual Provost's Teaching and Learning Symposium, this renewal proposal aims to explore and standardize the curricular linkages between PBHL 100, 300, and 420. Birger plans to utilize UMBC's license for Curricular Analytics to model and analyze the curriculum structure, shedding light on how course design adjustments can impact student success throughout the Public Health course sequence. By examining variables such as course sequencing, prerequisite alignment, learning outcomes, and the integration of active learning strategies, the project seeks to identify curricular inefficiencies and bottlenecks. The findings will inform evidence-based curriculum discussions and potentially influence departmental policy decisions. The overall goal is to enhance student knowledge and skills in public health, better preparing them for the workforce or graduate education, and contributing to the continuous improvement of the Public Health curriculum through data-informed curricular design.
Posted: November 19, 2024, 12:37 PM