Public Health Major (B.A.)
How to change from the Prior Fall 2024 to the New Fall 2024 and later requirements for continuing students
Students who have been enrolled at UMBC in the PBHL major prior to Fall 2024 can request to be moved to the new Fall 2024 and later requirements. Students should review the new requirements well to be sure they want to make the change and speak with their advisor if they have any questions prior to requesting the change. Once students change to the new requirements, they cannot change back.
To officially change to the Fall 2024 and later requirements, students should put in a help ticket to the Registrar’s Office requesting the change. Students should submit the ticket through the Degree Audit help.
REQUIRED COURSES For students who declare a Public Health major for FALL 2024 OR LATER:
Public Health BA Curriculum (48-49 credits):
Students must maintain a cumulative 2.5 GPA
Core Requirements (33-34 credits)
- PBHL 100: Introduction to Public Health (SS GEP)
- BIOL 101: Concepts of Biology OR BIOL 141: Foundations of Biology- Cells, Energy and Organisms (Pre-Req MATH 150, 151, 155, C or better OR Placement)
- PBHL 200: Human Health and Disease
- PBHL 202: Introduction to Environmental Health (Pre-Req PBHL 100 C or better)
- PBHL 280: Global Health and Disease (Pre-Req PBHL 100 C or better)
- PBHL 300: Research Methods in Health (Pre-Req PBHL 100 C or better & completion of MATH GEP)
- PBHL 316: Introduction to Health Policy and Services (Pre-Req PBHL 100 C or better)
- PBHL 340: Health Communication (Pre-Req Engl 100 C or better)
- PBHL 354: Social Bases of Public and Community Health (Pre-Req PBHL 100 OR SOCY 101 C or better)
- PBHL 420: Epidemiology (Pre-Req PBHL 100 C or better, PBHL 300 C or better)
- PBHL 445: Planning and Evaluation for Public Health Programs (Pre-Req PBHL 100 C or better, PBHL 300 OR EDHS 430 OR POLI 300 OR PSYC 331 OR SOCY 300 C or better)
Experiential Learning Requirement (6 credits)
Students can select internship or research options to fulfil their experiential learning requirements
Students must complete at least 6 credits from the following:
- PRAC 098 taken concurrently with PBHL 470: Full-time Public Health Internship (6 credits. Pre-Req: PBHL 100 C or better, 90+ Credits, 2.5 or higher GPA, and PBHL 300 C or better) OR
- PRAC 098 taken concurrently with PBHL 471: Part-time-time Public Health Internship (3 credits. Pre-Req: PBHL 100 C or better, 75+ Credits, 2.5 or higher GPA, and PBHL 300 C or better)
Internship credit counts depend on the needs of the preceptor. Students may not be able to influence the credit load of an individual internship.
- A maximum of 4 credits of Research Practicum-
- PBHL 490: Research Practicum (Pre-Req: PBHL 100 C or better and Instructor Consent) OR SOCY 490: Research Practicum (Pre-Req: SOCY 101 C or better and Instructor Consent) OR ANTH 490: Research Practicum (Pre-Req: ANTH 211 C or better and Instructor Consent) AND
- PBHL 491: Public Health Research Capstone (2 credits. Pre-Req: PBHL 100 C or better and PBHL 300 C or better and at least 1 credit (or co-requisite credit) of PBHL/ANTH/SOCY 490)
Students may choose to mix a 3 credit PBHL 471: Part-time Internship with 3 credits of PBHL/ANTH/SOCY 490: Research Practicum or 1 credit of PBHL/ANTH/SOCY 490: Research Practicum and PBHL 491: Public Health Research Captone.
Students interested in research opportuntities should speak with their advisor as early as possible. Research practicum opportunities are available on a limited application basis.
Public Health Elective Requirements (9 credits)
- Students must complete at least 9 credits of Public Health electives from the approved list of PBHL and other courses. At least 6 credits must be upper level, at least 3 credits must be PBHL. See the course catalog for details. Excluding Internship, Research Practicum, and Capstone courses.
UMBC Graduation Requirements
- ENGL 100
- Writing Intensive (WI) course*
- Math GEP
- 2 additional Social Science GEP courses*
- 3 Arts and Humanities GEP courses*
- 2 Culture Courses*
- 1 Science with Lab GEP course*
- 1 Science without Lab GEP course*
- Language GEP requirement
- Minimum 30 credits at UMBC*
- Minimum 45 credits at the 300 and/or 400 level*
- Minimum 120 credits total*
*Requirements may be fully or partially completed with Public Health required and/or elective courses
REQUIRED COURSES For declared Public Health majors BEFORE FALL 2024:
Core Curriculum (28 credits):
- PBHL 100: Introduction to Public Health (SS GEP)
- PBHL 200: Human Health and Disease
- STAT 121 OR STAT 350 OR STAT 351 OR SOCY 301(Pre-Req SOCY 300, department consent, and STAT readiness test.)
- PBHL 300: Research Methods in Health (Pre-Req PBHL 100, 2.5 or higher GPA & completion of MATH GEP)
- PBHL 340: Health Communication (Pre-Req: Engl 100) OR ENGL 393 Technical Writing(WI)
- PBHL 350: Public Health Ethics (Pre-Req: PBHL 100) OR MGMT 385 Business Ethics & Society
- PBHL/SOCY 452: Health Care Organization & Delivery (Jr/Sr Year, Pre-Req: Prerequisite: PBHL 100 and (PBHL 300 or SOCY 300) with a grade of ‘C’ or better)
- PRAC 098 taken concurrently with PBHL 470: Full-time Public Health Internship (6 credits. Pre-Req: PBHL 100, 90+ Credits, 2.5 or higher GPA, and PBHL 300) OR PRAC 098 taken concurrently with 6 credits of PBHL 471: Part-time Public Health Internship (3 credits. Pre-Req: PBHL 100, 90+ Credits, 2.5 or higher GPA, and PBHL 300) OR 6 credits of Research Practicum and Public Health Capstone (see details in the new Curriculm section above)
Students must select at least one of the following Tracks:
Track I: Health Services Administration (12 Credits):
- ECON 121: Principles of Accounting I
- MGMT 210: The Practice of Management
- PBHL 497: Health Planning and Administration (Fall only, Pre-Req: PBHL 100 & MGMT 210)
- PBHL 498: Financial Management and Decision Support for Health Service Organizations (Spring Only, Pre-Req: PBHL 100 or EHS 200 or AGNG 200 AND Econ 121)
Track II: Health Policy (12 Credits):
- ECON 101: Principles of Microeconomics
- POLI 250: Introduction to Public Administration (Fall only, Recommended sophomore or POLI 100)
- POLI 353: Government Budgeting and Financial Management (Spring only, WI, Recommended junior or POLI 250)
- PBHL 411: Health Care Regulation (Pre-Req: PBHL 100 & ENGL 393 or PBHL 340)
Track III: Population Health (12 Credits):
- PBHL 280: Global Health and Diseases (Pre-Req: PBHL 100)
- PBHL/SOCY 354: Social Bases of Community and Public Health (Pre-Req: PBHL 100 or SOCY 101 or ANTH 211)
- PBHL 411: Health Care Regulation (Pre-Req: PBHL 100 & ENGL 393 OR PBHL 340).
- PBHL 420: Epidemiology (Pre-Req: PBHL 300 or SOCY 300 AND SOCY 301)
Electives (9 credits, 6 credits must be level 300 or greater):
- Any PBHL upper level courses not used for track requirements may be taken as an elective. Please refer to the UMBC catalog for our full list of electives!
Public Health Program Learning Outcomes
The Public Health program aligns program level learning objectives with Council on Education in Public Health (CEPH) learning outcomes for undergraduate programs and UMBC functional competencies (FC).
- Public Health Communication: Communicate public health information, in both oral and written forms and through a variety of media, to diverse audiences. (CEPH 1) (FC 1)
- Public Health Information Literacy: Locate, use, evaluate, and synthesize public health information (CEPH 2) (FC 5)
- Scientific Reasoning in Public Health: Understand and use scientific methods of inquiry, models, and theories to investigate public health problems. (FC 2)
- Critical Analysis in Public Health: Identify, formulate, articulate, and evaluate questions in public health using evidence, data, and various points of view. (FC 3)
- Public Health Technological: Use a variety of technology assisted means to understand, create, and present public health information following discipline specific needs and best practices. (FC 4)
Public Health Curriculum Domains
The Public Health Program at UMBC aligns with CEPH domains and includes curriculum that educates students on:
- the concepts and applications of basic statistics
- the foundations of biological and life sciences and the concepts of health and disease
- the history and philosophy of public health as well as its core values, concepts, and functions across the globe and in society
- the basic concepts, methods, and tools of public health data collection, use, and analysis and why evidence-based approaches are an essential part of public health practice
- the concepts of population health, and the basic processes, approaches, and interventions that identify and address the major health-related needs and concerns of populations
- the underlying science of human health and disease including opportunities for promoting and protecting health across the life course
- the socioeconomic, behavioral, biological, environmental, and other factors that impact human health and contribute to health disparities
- the fundamental concepts and features of project implementation, including planning, assessment, and evaluation
- the fundamental characteristics and organizational structures of the US health system as well as the differences in systems in other countries
- basic concepts of legal, ethical, economic, and regulatory dimensions of health care and public health policy and the roles, influences, and responsibilities of the different agencies and branches of government
- basic concepts of public health-specific communication, including technical and professional writing and the use of mass media and electronic technology
Minimum GPA Requirement
- Students who want to change their major to Public Health must meet with an advisor for a signature and have a minimum cumulative 2.5 GPA.
- Public Health majors are required to maintain a 2.5 cumulative GPA from time of declaration to graduation.
- A cumulative GPA of 2.5+ is required to enroll in PBHL 300 and PBHL 470.
- All coursework towards the Public Health major must be passed with a C or better.
GPA Requirement
If your GPA has fallen below the 2.5 cumulative GPA required for Public Health see important instructions below:
If this is your first semester below 2.5, you need to raise your cumulative GPA above 2.5 next semester in order to remain in Public Health. Refer to the tips below for strategies for improving your GPA. If you would like to speak with your advisor, please schedule an appointment
Tips for improving your academic success next semester:
- Reduce your course schedule to 12 credits.
- Only repeat one course from a poor grade. Be realistic on your ability to be successful in the course repeat. Be sure you have the time and the academic support and consult with your advisor on how a course repeat will impact your GPA.
- Be sure your courses are a mix of topics and not all science or writing.
- Speak with your instructors if you are having difficulties.
- Go to the Learning Resources Center for assistance.
If this is your second consecutive semester below 2.5 cummulative GPA, you are no longer permitted to remain a Public Health major and must speak with someone regarding other major options. Please make an appointment with the Office of Academic & Pre-Professional Advising or the Career Center.
Please refer to the “FAQs” tab for additional information.
Keep up to date with our posts in the Public Health Majors and Minors myUMBC Group.
Academic Misconduct
Any student who has been dismissed in any way from the institution due to academic misconduct is not permitted to continue in the Public Health program. Readmission petitions will not be considered.
Completion of the Public Health program requires careful coordination with internship placement. Additionally, differences in future career plans for graduate education or immediate post-baccalaureate employment are important influences on overall academic program and course selections. With these considerations in mind, early and continuous contact should be established with a program advisor. For more information on advising, please refer to our Undergraduate “Advising” tab.
Public Health Minor
Public Health majors are not able to declare the Public Health minor.
The core requirements for the PBHL Minor have changed effective Fall 2024.
Core curriculum for students who declare the minor for fall 2024 and beyond:
- PBHL 100: Introduction to Public Health (SS GEP)
- PBHL 300: Research Methods in Health (Pre-Req PBHL 100, 2.5 or higher GPA & completion of MATH GEP)
- PBHL 420: Epidemiology (Pre-Req: PBHL 300 or SOCY 300 AND SOCY 301)
And ONE Domain course
- PBHL 202 OR PBHL 280 OR PBHL 316 OR PBHL 340 OR PBHL 354
And Six additional credits of Electives
- Any PBHL course (including domain courses) not already used for the minor
- Plus additional selected electives (see catalog for details)
- Excluding internship and research practicum courses
At least 9 credits must be Upper Level credits (3xx and/or 4xx), At least 3 credits (typically 1 course) of electives must be PBHL, No more than 9 credits can be transfer credits, No more than 9 credits can be applied to a single additional major/minor/certificate.
Core curriculum for students who declare the minor before fall 2024:
- PBHL 100: Introduction to Public Health (SS GEP)
- 5 additional PBHL courses (15 credits), 1 course (3 credits) can be any SOCY or ANTH course