Academic Program Requirements

Social Dimensions of Health

Required Courses

Courses are typically offered once per year in the fall OR spring semester.

TWO required classes:

  • SOCY 651  Sociology of Health and Illness Behavior (3.00)
  • SOCY 658  Sociology of Mental Health & Illness (3.00)

ONE three-credit graduate course in social research methods (choose one):

  • SOCY 600: Research Methodology (3.00)
    Prerequisite: An undergraduate course in statistics in any department in any college.
  • SOCY 619: Qualitative Methods in Social Research (3.00)

Additional Course Requirements

ONE three-credit graduate course in social inequality (choose one):

  • SOCY 606: Social Inequality and Social Policy (3.00)  (summer offering too).
  • SOCY 611: Constructing Race, Class, and Gender (3.00)

Applied Social Research Methods

Required Courses

A total of four courses are required to complete the certificate program.

A grade of a “B” or higher must be earned in all required courses for the certificate.

  • SOCY 600: Research Methodology  (3.00)
    This course is designed to advance graduate students’ knowledge of the modes of inquiry in the social sciences and to familiarize them with research methods and techniques.
    Prerequisite: An undergraduate course in statistics in any department in any college.
    This course is offered in the fall semester.
  • SOCY 604: Statistical Analysis (3.00)
    An introduction to the concepts and methods of descriptive and inferential statistical techniques. Bi-variate and multi-variate statistical techniques will be examined.
    Prerequisite: SOCY 600
    This course is offered in the spring semester.

Additional Course Requirements

Two three-credit graduate course in social research methods or statistics (choose two):

  • SOCY 608: Advanced Statistics (3.00)
  • SOCY 618: SAS for Social Scientists (3.00)
  • SOCY 619: Qualitative Methods in Social Research (3.00)
  • SOCY 680: Applied Sociology (3.00)